Prizes to be Won! #BestRouteToBarton

Friendly Streets launched a social media photo contest last week called #BestRoutestoBarton. We want to know how you get to Barton by foot or by bike, as well as the safest routes to take to get to several destinations. Throughout the month of August, each Wednesday we will announce that week’s theme and invite you to share a photo and tag us on social media.

Week of Aug 16

This week’s theme until Tuesday 22nd: What’s your favourite spot for great food in #BartonVillage? How do you get there by walking or biking? Share a photo for a chance to win a prize!
Winners will also be announced every Wednesday. Prizes include giftcards and swag from Hamilton Bulldogs and Mohawk!

All Prize (include Lush)

You can tweet at us, post on facebook or Instagram for a chance to win!


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